Mermaid support test

Test for mermaid and iframe

2022-5-26 updated: Mermaid support has be removed because loading mermaid.min.js costs too much time. It will be re-eabled once needed.

2021-07-14 / 6 min read

如何搭建github pages以及提高访问速度

这个博客已经荒废了很久。由于定位上是一个偏向技术型的博客,记录学习中遇到的一些问题,所以我一般不会把学术研究内容或浅显的问题写在博客里。此外由于不想花钱和时间搭服务器,也不想花时间学习更多的建站知识,所以选择了 github pages 这一平台。本文就如何搭建 github pages 以及提高大陆地区的访问速度做一个简单介绍。

2021-01-26 / 3 min read

Kennard-Stone algorithm and SPXY algorithm with python implementation

Kennard-Stone (KS) and SPXY algorithms are common sample split algorithms in the chemometrics field. Unlike random split, these two methods are based on the so called "maximum minimum distance", which means the split result of KS and SPXY are definite instead of random. This article will briefly introduce these 2 algorithms and provide the python implementation.

2020-02-27 / 11 min read



2019-07-15 / 3 min read



2019-07-11 / 3 min read



2019-07-11 / 2 min read